Is there an ADT method that can deal with non-aligned bilingual corpora? Does the textual genre exert a sufficiently strong constraint on the discourse that would make texts written in different languages comparable, provided they are of identical genre? To answer these two questions, one methodological, the other linguistic, this contribution gathers in a single corpus French and Brazilian presidential speeches of the contemporary era (1950-2020), from de Gaulle to Macron, from Kubitschek to Lula, i.e. 15 million words. A methodological path is proposed from the simple frequency dictionary to the factorial treatment of the cooccurrencial profiles of words, in order to establish a generic transnational presidential speech.
翻译:是否有一种ADT方法可以处理不结盟的双语社团? 文本类型是否对以不同语言编写的文本具有足够强烈的制约,只要它们具有相同的语言特征,就能使这些文本具有可比性? 为了回答这两个问题,一个是方法,另一个是语言。 为了回答这两个问题,这一贡献汇集在法国和巴西总统关于当代(1950-2020年)从戴高乐到麦肯(从库比特谢克到卢拉)的单一的演讲中,从库比特谢克到卢拉(即1 500万字),从简单的频率字典到对可读性语言特征的因子处理,以建立一个通用的跨国总统演讲。