Graph anomaly detection has attracted a lot of interest recently. Despite their successes, existing detectors have at least two of the three weaknesses: (a) high computational cost which limits them to small-scale networks only; (b) existing treatment of subgraphs produces suboptimal detection accuracy; and (c) unable to provide an explanation as to why a node is anomalous, once it is identified. We identify that the root cause of these weaknesses is a lack of a proper treatment for subgraphs. A treatment called Subgraph Centralization for graph anomaly detection is proposed to address all the above weaknesses. Its importance is shown in two ways. First, we present a simple yet effective new framework called Graph-Centric Anomaly Detection (GCAD). The key advantages of GCAD over existing detectors including deep-learning detectors are: (i) better anomaly detection accuracy; (ii) linear time complexity with respect to the number of nodes; and (iii) it is a generic framework that admits an existing point anomaly detector to be used to detect node anomalies in a network. Second, we show that Subgraph Centralization can be incorporated into two existing detectors to overcome the above-mentioned weaknesses.
翻译:尽管取得了成功,但现有的探测器至少有三个弱点中的两个:(a) 计算成本高,将其限制在小型网络上;(b) 现有对子图的处理产生亚最佳检测准确度;(c) 一旦发现节点异常度,无法解释为何异常值。我们发现,这些弱点的根源是缺乏对子图的适当处理。建议采用称为图态异常度检测子集的处理方法,以解决上述所有弱点。其重要性表现在两种方式上。首先,我们提出了一个简单而有效的新框架,即“图中异常度检测”(GCAD)。对于包括深层检测器在内的现有探测器而言,GCAD的主要优势是:(一) 更好的异常度检测;(二) 节点数量方面线性时间复杂性;(三) 这是一个通用框架,承认现有点异常度检测器用于检测网络中的节点异常。第二,我们表明子中心化可以纳入两个现有的检测器,以克服上述的弱点。