This paper presents the power network reconfiguration algorithm HATSGA with a "R" modeling approach and evaluates its behavior in computing new reconfiguration topologies for the power network in the Smart Grid context. The modeling of the power distribution network with the language "R" is used to represent the network and support the computation of distinct algorithm configurations towards the evaluation of new reconfiguration topologies. The HATSGA algorithm adopts a hybrid Tabu Search and Genetic Algorithm strategy and can be configured in different ways to compute network reconfiguration solutions. The evaluation of power loss with HATSGA uses the IEEE 14-Bus topology as the power test scenario. The evaluation of reconfiguration topologies with minimum power loss with HATSGA indicates that an efficient solution can be reached with a feasible computational time. This suggests that HATSGA can be potentially used for computing reconfiguration network topologies and, beyond that, it can be used for autonomic self-healing management approaches where a feasible computational time is required.
翻译:本文介绍电网重组算法HATSGA(HATSGA),采用“ R” 建模方法,并评价其在计算智能网背景下电力网新重组型号时的行为。用“ R” 语言建模电源分配网络(R),用来代表网络,支持计算不同的算法配置,以评价新的重组型号。HATSGA算法采用了一种混合的 Tabu搜索和遗传 Algorithm 战略,可以以不同方式配置计算网络重组解决方案。HATSGA(HATSGA)的电源损失评价使用IEEE 14- Bus 地形学作为电源测试方案。HATSGA(HATSGA)对电源损失最小值的重组型号表的评估表明,在可行的计算时间内可以达成有效的解决方案。这表明HATSGA可以潜在地用于计算网络重组型号,除此之外,在需要可行的计算时间的情况下,还可以用于自动自愈合管理方法。