System-on-chip (SoC) has migrated from single core to manycore architectures to cope with the increasing complexity of real-life applications. Application task mapping has a significant impact on the efficiency of manycore system (MCS) computation and communication. We present WAANSO, a scalable framework that incorporates a Wavelet Clustering based approach to cluster application tasks. We also introduce Ant Swarm Optimization (ASO) based on iterative execution of Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) for task clustering and mapping to the MCS processing elements. We have shown that WAANSO can significantly increase the MCS energy and performance efficiencies. Based on our experiments on a 64-core system, WAANSO improves energy efficiency by 19%, compared to baseline approaches, namely DPSO, ACO and branch and bound (B&B). Additionally, the performance improves by 65.86% compared to Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN) baseline.
翻译:应用任务绘图对许多核心系统(MCS)的计算和通信效率有重大影响。我们介绍了WAANSO,这是一个可扩缩的框架,在集束应用任务中采用了以波子集束为基础的方法。我们还采用了Ant Swarm最佳化(ASO),其基础是迭接地执行Ant Colony Oppimization(ACO)和Particle Swarm优化(PSO),用于任务集群和绘图到 MCS处理要素。我们已表明WAANSCO可以大幅提高MCS的能源和性能效率。根据我们在64个核心系统的实验,WAANSO将能源效率提高19%,而基线方法是DPSO、ACO、分支和约束(B&B)。此外,与以密度为基础的以噪音为基础的空间应用集群基线相比,绩效提高了65.86%。