Polar codes can be decoded with the low-complexity successive-cancellation flip (SCF) algorithm. To improve error-correction performance, the dynamic successive-cancellation flip (DSCF) variant was proposed, where the resulting error-correction performance is similar to that of the successive-cancellation list algorithm with low to moderate list sizes. Regardless of the variant, the SCF algorithm exhibits a variable execution time with a high (worst-case) latency. In this work, we propose an early-stopping metric used to detect codewords that are likely undecodable such that the decoder can be stopped at earlier stages for those codewords. We then propose a modified version of the DSCF algorithm that integrates our early-stopping metric that exploits the specific properties of DSCF. Compared to the original DSCF algorithm, in the region of interest for wireless communications, simulation results show that our proposed modifications can lead to reductions of 22% to the average execution time and of 45% to the execution-time variance at the cost of a minor error-correction loss of approximately 0.05 dB.
翻译:极地代码可以与低复杂度连续取消翻转算法解码。 为了改进错误更正性能, 提出了动态连续取消翻转变体( DSCF) 变体, 由此产生的错误更正性能类似于相继取消列表算法, 其大小为中低。 不论变体如何, SCF 算法显示一个执行时间的变数, 其长度( 最差的) 值较高。 在这项工作中, 我们提出一个早期停用指标, 用于检测可能无法确认的编码词, 从而可以在这些编码词的早期阶段停止解码器。 我们然后提议一个修改的 DSCF算法版本, 整合我们利用 DSCF具体特性的早期停用参数。 与原始的 DSCF 算法相比, 在无线通信感兴趣的地区, 模拟结果显示我们提议的修改可以导致将平均执行时间减少22%, 和 45% 执行时差, 其代价是大约 0.05 dB 的轻微错误更正损失。