Group convolutional neural networks (G-CNNs) can be used to improve classical CNNs by equipping them with the geometric structure of groups. Central in the success of G-CNNs is the lifting of feature maps to higher dimensional disentangled representations, in which data characteristics are effectively learned, geometric data-augmentations are made obsolete, and predictable behavior under geometric transformations (equivariance) is guaranteed via group theory. Currently, however, the practical implementations of G-CNNs are limited to either discrete groups (that leave the grid intact) or continuous compact groups such as rotations (that enable the use of Fourier theory). In this paper we lift these limitations and propose a modular framework for the design and implementation of G-CNNs for arbitrary Lie groups. In our approach the differential structure of Lie groups is used to expand convolution kernels in a generic basis of B-splines that is defined on the Lie algebra. This leads to a flexible framework that enables localized, atrous, and deformable convolutions in G-CNNs by means of respectively localized, sparse and non-uniform B-spline expansions. The impact and potential of our approach is studied on two benchmark datasets: cancer detection in histopathology slides in which rotation equivariance plays a key role and facial landmark localization in which scale equivariance is important. In both cases, G-CNN architectures outperform their classical 2D counterparts and the added value of atrous and localized group convolutions is studied in detail.
翻译:G-CNN成功的关键是将地貌图提升到更高层面的分解表层,其中数据特征得到有效学习,几何数据放大变得过时,几何变形(等差)下的可预见行为通过群体理论得到保障。然而,目前G-CNN的实际实施仅限于离散组(保持网格完整)或诸如轮值(能够使用Fourier理论)等连续的缩压组。在本文中,我们提升这些限制并提出一个模块框架,用于设计和实施G-CNN任意的立国组。在我们的做法中,Lie组的差异结构被用来在基底线B-spline的通用基础上扩大变形圈。这导致一个灵活的框架,使G-CNN变形(能够使用Freyer理论 ), 或更连续的缩缩略图组(能够使用Freyerors理论 ) 。在GNNNRational-Ns中, 其缩略图的缩略图和缩略图的缩略图在G-CRevil 的缩略图研究中, 其缩略图的缩略图的缩图在两次的缩略图和缩略图研究中,其缩图中,其缩略图的缩略图中,其缩略图在两个的缩略图的缩略图中,其缩图是用于的缩图的缩略图的缩图中,其缩图法的缩图的缩图法的缩图的缩图的缩法在对的缩图法的缩法的缩法研究中。