To improve the security and robustness of autonomous driving models, this paper presents SMET, a scenariobased metamorphic testing tool for autonomous driving models. The metamorphic relationship is divided into three dimensions (time, space, and event) and demonstrates its effectiveness through case studies in two types of autonomous driving models with different outputs.Experimental results show that this tool canwelldetectpotentialdefectsoftheautonomousdrivingmodel, and complex scenes are more effective than simple scenes.
翻译:为提高自主驾驶模式的安全和稳健性,本文介绍了基于情景的自主驾驶模式变形测试工具SMET, 其变形关系分为三个层面( 时间、 空间和事件), 并通过对两种具有不同产出的自主驾驶模式进行案例研究来展示其有效性。 实验结果表明,这一工具可以探测到自主驾驶模式的潜在缺陷,复杂的场景比简单的场景更有效。