The stress-strain constitutive law for viscoelastic materials such as soft tissues, metals at high temperature, and polymers, can be written as a Volterra integral equation of the second kind with a \emph{fading memory} kernel. This integral relationship yields current stress for a given strain history and can be used in the momentum balance law to derive a mathematical model for the resulting deformation. We consider such a dynamic linear viscoelastic model problem resulting from using a \textit{Dirichlet-Prony} series of decaying exponentials to provide the fading memory in the Volterra kernel. We introduce two types of \textit{internal variable} to replace the Volterra integral with a system of auxiliary ordinary differential equations and then use a spatially discontinuous symmetric interior penalty Galerkin (SIPG) finite element method and -- in time -- a Crank-Nicolson method to formulate the fully discrete problems: one for each type of internal variable. We present \textit{a priori} stability and error analyses without using Gr\"onwall's inequality, and with the result that the constants in our estimates grow linearly with time rather than exponentially. In this sense the schemes are therefore suited to simulating long time viscoelastic response and this (to our knowledge) is the first time that such high quality estimates have been presented for SIPG finite element approximation of dynamic viscoelasticty problems. We also carry out a number of numerical experiments using the FEniCS environment (e.g. \url{}) and explain how the codes can be obtained and the results reproduced.
翻译:软组织、高温金属和聚合物等粘结材料的压力- 压力- 压力- 压力- 压力- 压力制成法, 可以写成Volterra 整体等式, 以 \ emph{ fating memory} 内核。 这种整体关系产生给给定的菌状历史的当前压力, 并可用于动力平衡法, 以得出由此导致的变形的数学模型。 我们认为, 使用\ text{ Drichlet- Prony} 一系列衰变指数, 以提供伏尔泰拉内核的退缩记忆。 我们引入了两种类型的 Volterra 整体方程式, 用一种辅助性普通差异方程式取代 Volterra 整体内核。 然后使用空间不连续的对等式内部惩罚 Galerkin (SIPG) 元素的固定模型, 以及 -- 时间- NColcolson 方法来构建完全独立的问题: 每种类型的变数 。 我们目前使用的 & text{a pride} 前 也使用两种变数的稳定性和错误分析结果, 使用恒定的内积的内积的内积的数值, 因此, 也就是的变数的变法的变数的变数是这种变数的变数的变数的变数, 我们的变数的变数的变数的变数的变数, 我们的变的变的变的变数, 的变的变的变的变的变数, 和变数的变的变数, 的变数是比的变数的变数的变数, 我们的变数的变数的变数的变数的变数的变数的变数的变数的变数的变数的变数的变数的变数的变数的变数的变数的变数, 的变数的变数, 的变数的变数的变数的变数的变数的变数的变数的变数的变数的变数的变数的变数的变数的变数的变数的变数的变数的变数的变数的变数的变数的变数的变数, 和变数的变数的变数, 和变数的变数的