Very strong magnetoresistance and a resistivity plateau impeding low temperature divergence due to insulating bulk are hallmarks of topological insulators and are also present in topological semimetals where the plateau is induced by magnetic field, when time-reversal symmetry (protecting surface states in topological insulators) is broken. Similar features were observed in a simple rock-salt-structure LaSb, leading to a suggestion of the possible non-trivial topology of 2D states in this compound. We show that its sister compound YSb is also characterized by giant magnetoresistance exceeding one thousand percent and low-temperature plateau of resistivity. We thus performed in-depth analysis of YSb Fermi surface by band calculations, magnetoresistance, and Shubnikov--de Haas effect measurements, which reveals only three-dimensional Fermi sheets. Kohler scaling applied to magnetoresistance data accounts very well for its low-temperature upturn behavior. The field-angle-dependent magnetoresistance demonstrates a 3D-scaling yielding effective mass anisotropy perfectly agreeing with electronic structure and quantum oscillations analysis, thus providing further support for 3D-Fermi surface scenario of magnetotransport, without necessity of invoking topologically non-trivial 2D states. We discuss data implying that analogous field-induced properties of LaSb can also be well understood in the framework of 3D multiband model.
翻译:极强的磁场和阻力高原由于隔热而导致低温差异的阻力极强的磁场和阻力高地的阻力是表层绝缘器的特征,在高地由磁场引发的表层半金属中也存在。在简单的岩石-盐状结构LaSb中也观察到类似的特征,导致建议在这个复合体中可能存在2D状态的非三维地形。我们表明,其姊妹复合YSb的特征也是巨型磁性超过千分之和低温耐力高。因此,我们通过波段计算、磁性反应和舒布尼科夫-德海亚斯效应测量对YSb Fermi表面进行了深入分析,仅显示三维的铁质床。对磁力模型数据账户应用的缩放法非常适合其低温上升行为。 实地的磁性磁场也以巨型磁性磁性强的特性为特征特征特征特征特征特征特征,显示3D-D-低温的耐抗力高温高温高温的耐抗力高温。我们通过波计算、磁力分析对磁场进行精确的磁场分析,从而可以进一步分析。