Reversible computation is an unconventional form of computing that extends the standard forward-only mode of computation with the ability to execute a sequence of operations in reverse at any point during computation. As such, in this thesis we propose a reversible approach to Petri nets by introducing machinery and associated operational semantics to tackle the challenges of the main forms of reversibility. Our proposal concerns a variation of cyclic Petri nets, called Reversing Petri Nets (RPNs) where tokens are persistent and distinguished from each other by an identity. An immediate extension of the original model includes allowing multiple tokens of the same base/type to occur in a model. Specifically, we explore the individual token interpretation where one distinguishes different tokens residing in the same place by keeping track of where they come from. We also propose the collective token interpretation, as the opposite approach to token ambiguity, which considers all tokens of a certain type to be identical, disregarding their history during execution. Both of the proposed models of RPNs (with single or multi tokens) implement the notion of uncontrolled reversibility, meaning that it specifies how to reverse an execution and allows to do so freely, yet it places no restrictions as to when and whether to prefer backward execution over forward execution or vice versa. In this respect, a further aim is to control reversibility by extending our formal semantics where transitions are associated with conditions whose satisfaction allows the execution of transitions in the forward/reversed direction.
翻译:反向计算是一种非常规的计算形式,它扩大了标准的前方计算方式,能够在计算过程中的任何时候逆向执行一系列操作。因此,我们在此理论中建议对Petrinet采用可逆的方法,采用机械和相关操作语义,以应对主要反向形式的挑战。我们的提案涉及环形Petrii 网的变异,称为Reversing Petri Nets(RPNs),其标志具有持久性,并因身份而彼此区别。原模型的立即延伸包括允许同一基地/类型的多重象征在模型中发生。具体地说,我们探索个人象征解释,通过跟踪位于同一地点的不同象征来区分位于同一地点的不同象征;我们还提出集体象征解释,认为某种类型的所有象征都是相同的,无视其执行过程中的历史。两种拟议的RPN(有单一或多种象征)模式都实施不受控制的反向性概念,这意味着,在选择如何改变执行中的不同象征,在向后过渡期间,是否允许执行限制,而允许向后向执行。我们建议集体象征解释,认为某一种执行限制是自由,而后向后向后向执行是允许。