The Simplified Access Metric (SAM) is a new approach for characterizing emergency shelter access patterns as a measure of shelter client vulnerability. The goal of SAM is to provide shelter operators with an intuitive way to understand access patterns that can be implemented by non-technical staff using spreadsheet operations. Client data from a large North American shelter will be used to demonstrate that SAM produces similar results to traditional transitional, episodic and chronic client cluster analysis. Since SAM requires less data than cluster analysis, it is also able to generate a real time picture of how shelter access patterns are affected by external factors. Timelines generated from nine years of shelter client data using SAM demonstrate the impact of Housing First programming and the COVID-19 lockdown on how people access shelter. Finally, SAM allows shelter staff to move beyond assigning transitional, episodic and chronic labels and instead use the "soft" output of SAM directly as a measure of vulnerability.
翻译:简化访问指标(SAM)是一种新方法,用于将紧急庇护所使用模式作为庇护所客户易受攻击的一种度量进行表征。 SAM的目标是为庇护所操作员提供一种直观的方式来理解访问模式,可由非技术人员使用电子表格操作实现。使用来自北美大型庇护所的客户数据来演示SAM产生与传统的过渡性、间歇性和慢性客户群集分析类似的结果。由于SAM所需的数据比聚类分析少,因此它还能够实时生成有关外部因素如何影响人们访问庇护所的情况。使用SAM生成的九年庇护所客户数据的时间线展示了Housing First编程和COVID-19封锁对人们如何访问庇护所的影响。最后,SAM使庇护所工作人员能够超越分配过渡性、间歇性和慢性标签,而是直接将SAM的“软”输出用作易受攻击性的一种度量。