Bitcoin and its underlying technology, blockchain, have gained significant popularity in recent years. Satoshi Nakamoto designed Bitcoin to enable a secure, distributed platform without the need for central authorities, and blockchain has been hailed as a paradigm that will be as impactful as Big Data, Cloud Computing, and Machine Learning. Blockchain incorporates innovative ideas from various fields, such as public-key encryption and distributed systems. As a result, readers often encounter resources that explain Blockchain technology from a single perspective, leaving them with more questions than answers. In this primer, we aim to provide a comprehensive view of blockchain. We will begin with a brief history and introduce the building blocks of the blockchain. As graph mining is a major area of blockchain analysis, we will delve into the graph-theoretical aspects of Blockchain technology. We will also discuss the future of blockchain and explain how extensions such as smart contracts and decentralized autonomous organizations will function. Our goal is to provide a concise but complete description of blockchain technology that is accessible to readers with no prior expertise in the field.
翻译:Bitcoin及其基础技术,即链条,近年来已获得显著的欢迎。中本世志设计了Bitcoin(Bitcoin),以建立一个安全、分布的平台,而不需要中央当局,而块链则被誉为像Big Data、Cloud Economic和Mycle Learning一样具有影响力的范例。链条包含了各个领域的创新思想,例如公用钥匙加密和分布式系统。结果,读者经常遇到从单一角度解释链条技术的资源,留下的问题多于答案。在这个原始材料中,我们的目标是提供块链的全面观点。我们将从一个简短的历史开始,引入块链的构件。由于图形开采是块链分析的一个主要领域,我们将深入探讨链条技术的图形理论方面。我们还将讨论块链条的未来,并解释智能合同和分散式自主组织等扩展将如何发挥作用。我们的目标是为在外地没有专业知识的读者提供方便的链条技术提供简明而完整的描述。我们的目标是提供简洁但完整的说明。