We design differentially private algorithms for the bandit convex optimization problem in the projection-free setting. This setting is important whenever the decision set has a complex geometry, and access to it is done efficiently only through a linear optimization oracle, hence Euclidean projections are unavailable (e.g. matroid polytope, submodular base polytope). This is the first differentially-private algorithm for projection-free bandit optimization, and in fact our bound of $\widetilde{O}(T^{3/4})$ matches the best known non-private projection-free algorithm (Garber-Kretzu, AISTATS `20) and the best known private algorithm, even for the weaker setting when projections are available (Smith-Thakurta, NeurIPS `13).
翻译:在无投影环境下,我们为土匪锥形优化问题设计了不同的私人算法。 当决定集具有复杂的几何特征时,这种设置很重要,只有通过线性优化或触角才能有效地获得它,因此Euclidean预测是不存在的(例如,机器人聚变管、亚模块基聚变管 )。这是第一个无投影土状优化的差别-私人算法,事实上,我们承载的美元(T ⁇ 3/4})与最著名的非私人无投影算法(Garber-Kretzu,AISTATS'20)和最已知的私人算法相匹配,即使是在有预测时较弱的环境也是如此(Smith-Thakurta, NeurIPS'13)。