Mitotic activity is a crucial proliferation biomarker for the diagnosis and prognosis of different types of cancers. Nevertheless, mitosis counting is a cumbersome process for pathologists, prone to low reproducibility, due to the large size of augmented biopsy slides, the low density of mitotic cells, and pattern heterogeneity. To improve reproducibility, deep learning methods have been proposed in the last years using convolutional neural networks. However, these methods have been hindered by the process of data labelling, which usually solely consist of the mitosis centroids. Therefore, current literature proposes complex algorithms with multiple stages to refine the labels at pixel level, and to reduce the number of false positives. In this work, we propose to avoid complex scenarios, and we perform the localization task in a weakly supervised manner, using only image-level labels on patches. The results obtained on the publicly available TUPAC16 dataset are competitive with state-of-the-art methods, using only one training phase. Our method achieves an F1-score of 0.729 and challenges the efficiency of previous methods, which required multiple stages and strong mitosis location information.
翻译:然而,对于病理学家来说,由于扩大的生物心理幻灯的大小、光学细胞密度低和模式异质性等原因,分解计是一个复杂的过程,容易被低度复制。为了提高可复制性,在过去几年中,利用神经神经网络提出了深层次的学习方法。然而,这些方法受到数据标签过程的阻碍,而数据标签通常完全由线虫体固醇组成。因此,目前的文献提出了复杂的、具有多个阶段的算法,以完善像素等级的标签,并减少假阳性数字。在这项工作中,我们建议避免复杂的情景,我们以薄弱的监管方式执行地方化任务,只使用图象级的补丁标签。在公开提供的 TUPAC16 数据集上获得的结果与最新方法相比具有竞争力,只使用一种培训阶段。我们的方法取得了F1核心的0.729和以往方法的效率,这需要多个阶段的可靠信息。