Recently, simplicial complexes are used in constructions of several infinite families of minimal and optimal linear codes by Hyun {\em et al.} Building upon their research, in this paper more linear codes over the ring $\mathbb{Z}_4$ are constructed by simplicial complexes. Specifically, the Lee weight distributions of the resulting quaternary codes are determined and two infinite families of four-Lee-weight quaternary codes are obtained. Compared to the databases of $\mathbb Z_4$ codes by Aydin {\em et al.}, at least nine new quaternary codes are found. Thanks to the special structure of the defining sets, we have the ability to determine whether the Gray images of certain obtained quaternary codes are linear or not. This allows us to obtain two infinite families of binary nonlinear codes and one infinite family of binary minimal linear codes. Furthermore, utilizing these minimal binary codes, some secret sharing schemes as a byproduct also are established.