The elemental image array (EIA) for light field display, especially integral imaging light field display, was reliant on a virtual camera array, novel sampling algorithms, high-performance hardware or corresponding complex algorithms, which hinder its application. Without sacrificing accuracy and precision, we innovate a novel algorithm set to achieve video-level EIA generation. The invariable voxel to pixel relationship is pre-calculated and pre-stored as a lookup table or mapping. Benefiting from the very lookup table, the voxel array could be fast mapped to an EIA without contingent upon any high-end hardware.
翻译:光场显示的元素图像阵列,特别是集成成成像光场显示,依赖于虚拟相机阵列、新式取样算法、高性能硬件或相应的复杂算法,这些都阻碍了其应用。在不牺牲准确性和精确性的情况下,我们创新了一种新颖的算法,用于实现视频级别的EIA生成。对像素关系的不可变的 voxel 和像素关系是预先计算和预先储存的,作为搜索表或映射。从查看表中受益的 voxel 阵列可以在不依赖任何高端硬件的情况下快速绘制到环境影响评估。