Inferring tie strengths in social networks is an essential task in social network analysis. Common approaches classify the ties as weak and strong ties based on the strong triadic closure (STC). The STC states that if for three nodes, $A$, $B$, and $C$, there are strong ties between $A$ and $B$, as well as $A$ and $C$, there has to be a (weak or strong) tie between $B$ and $C$. So far, most works discuss the STC in static networks. However, modern large-scale social networks are usually highly dynamic, providing user contacts and communications as streams of edge updates. Temporal networks capture these dynamics. To apply the STC to temporal networks, we first generalize the STC and introduce a weighted version such that empirical a priori knowledge given in the form of edge weights is respected by the STC. The weighted STC is hard to compute, and our main contribution is an efficient 2-approximative streaming algorithm for the weighted STC in temporal networks. As a technical contribution, we introduce a fully dynamic 2-approximation for the minimum weight vertex cover problem, which is a crucial component of our streaming algorithm. Our evaluation shows that the weighted STC leads to solutions that capture the a priori knowledge given by the edge weights better than the non-weighted STC. Moreover, we show that our streaming algorithm efficiently approximates the weighted STC in large-scale social networks.
翻译:在社会网络分析中,社会网络的牵线性力量是社会网络分析中的一项基本任务。共同的方法将社会网络的连接归类为基于强烈三重封闭(STC)的强弱关系。STC指出,如果三个节点(A$、B美元和C美元)之间,美元和B美元以及美元和C美元之间有着牢固的联系,那么在社会网络中,必须有一个(弱或强)的(B美元和C美元)联系。迄今为止,大多数工作是在静态网络中讨论STC的。然而,现代大型社会网络通常是高度动态的,提供用户联系和通信作为边际更新的网络流。Temalal 网络捕捉了这些动态。为了对时间网络应用STC的时间网络应用STC,我们首先对STC进行概括,并采用一个加权版本,这样可以让STC尊重以边权重形式提供的经验性知识。加权STC很难计算,而我们的主要贡献是在时间网络中为加权STC提供有效的2级际流流流算算算算法。作为技术贡献的一种非技术贡献,我们通过一种完全动态的平级化的平级化的流程性比例分析方法,我们之前的Stracal-sqmaxmaxmaxmax