The open-source Helix++ project improves the security posture of computing platforms by applying cutting-edge cybersecurity techniques to diversify and harden software automatically. A distinguishing feature of Helix++ is that it does not require source code or build artifacts; it operates directly on software in binary form--even stripped executables and libraries. This feature is key as rebuilding applications from source is a time-consuming and often frustrating process. Diversification breaks the software monoculture and makes attacks harder to execute as information needed for a successful attack will have changed unpredictably. Diversification also forces attackers to customize an attack for each target instead of attackers crafting an exploit that works reliably on all similarly configured targets. Hardening directly targets key attack classes. The combination of diversity and hardening provides defense-in-depth, as well as a moving target defense, to secure the Nation's cyber infrastructure.
翻译:开源 Helix++ 项目通过将尖端的网络安全技术应用于自动多样化和加固软件来改进计算平台的安全状况。Helix++ 的一个显著特点是,它不需要源代码或构建工件,它直接操作二进制形式的软件,即使是削减的可执行文件和库也可以。这个特性很关键,因为从源代码重新构建应用程序是一个耗时且经常令人沮丧的过程。多样化打破了软件单一文化并使攻击变得更难以执行,因为攻击所需的信息将不可预测地发生变化。多样化还迫使攻击者为每个目标定制攻击,而不是攻击者制作一个可以可靠地在所有类似配置的目标上运行的攻击。强化直接针对关键攻击类别。多样化与强化的结合提供了纵深防御以及使攻击目标雪球般变化的防御,以保护国家的网络基础设施。