The sensitivity of Polyakov Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (PNJL) model as an effective theory of quark dynamics to chiral symmetry has been utilized in studying the QCD phase-diagram. Also, Poyakov linear sigma-model (PLSM), in which information about the confining glue sector of the theory was included through Polyakov-loop potential. Furthermore, from quasi-particle model (QPM), the gluonic sector of QPM is integrated to LSM in order to reproduce recent lattice calculations. We review PLSM, QLSM, PNJL and HRG with respect to their descriptions for the chiral phase-transition. We analyse chiral order-parameter M(T), normalized net-strange condensate Delta_{q,s}(T) and chiral phase-diagram and compare the results with lattice QCD. We conclude that PLSM works perfectly in reproducing M(T) and Delta_{q,s}(T). HRG model reproduces Delta_{q,s}(T), while PNJL and QLSM seem to fail. These differences are present in QCD chiral phase-diagram. PLSM chiral boundary is located in upper band of lattice QCD calculations and agree well with freeze-out results deduced from high-energy experiments and thermal models. Also, we find that the chiral temperature calculated from from HRG model is larger than that from PLSM. This is also larger than the freeze-out temperatures calculated in lattice QCD and deduced from experiments and thermal models. The corresponding temperature T and chemical potential mu sets are very similar to that of PLSM. This might be explained, because the chiral T and mu are calculated using different order parameters; in HRG vanishing quark-antiquark condensate but in PLSM crossing (equaling) chiral condensates and Polyakov loop potentials. The latter assumed that the two phase transitions; chiral and deconfinement, take place at the same temperature.
翻译:Polyakov Nambu-Jona-Lasinio(PNJL) 模型的灵敏度,是夸尔克温度与手动对称的有效理论。此外,Poyakov 线性Sigma-模型(PLSM) 的灵敏度也被用于研究QCD 相位阶段的描述。Poyakov 线性Sigma-模型(PLSM),其中关于该理论的粘合胶部分的信息通过Polyakov-loop 潜力来包含。此外,从准粒子模型(QPM),QMPM(G) 的胶质部门融合到LSM(L) 重塑M(T) 和Deltaticone(TLSM) 。HR模型(T) 和MQM(T) 的变压模型(ML) 和变压(ML) 和变压(ML) 和变压(IL) 和变压(IL) 和变压(IL) 和变序的变序(IL) (O) 和变和变数(IL) (O) (O) (O) (L) (L) (L) (L) (O) 和变算) 和变算) (L) 和变算)。