Broadbent and Islam (TCC '20) proposed a quantum cryptographic primitive called quantum encryption with certified deletion. In this primitive, a receiver in possession of a quantum ciphertext can generate a classical certificate that the encrypted message is deleted. Although their construction is information-theoretically secure, it is limited to the setting of one-time symmetric key encryption (SKE), where a sender and receiver have to share a common key in advance and the key can be used only once. Moreover, the sender has to generate a quantum state and send it to the receiver over a quantum channel in their construction. Although deletion certificates are privately verifiable, which means a verification key for a certificate has to be kept secret, in the definition by Broadbent and Islam, we can also consider public verifiability. In this work, we present various constructions of encryption with certified deletion. - Quantum communication case: We achieve (reusable-key) public key encryption (PKE) and attribute-based encryption (ABE) with certified deletion. Our PKE scheme with certified deletion is constructed assuming the existence of IND-CPA secure PKE, and our ABE scheme with certified deletion is constructed assuming the existence of indistinguishability obfuscation and one-way function. These two schemes are privately verifiable. - Classical communication case: We also achieve PKE with certified deletion that uses only classical communication. We give two schemes, a privately verifiable one and a publicly verifiable one. The former is constructed assuming the LWE assumption in the quantum random oracle model. The latter is constructed assuming the existence of one-shot signatures and extractable witness encryption.
翻译:宽度和伊斯兰教( TCC'20) 提议了量子加密原始法, 称为量子加密, 并经过认证删除。 在这种原始法中, 拥有量子密码的接收器可以生成一个经典证书, 并删除加密信息。 虽然其构造是信息理论安全的, 但仅限于设置一次性对称密钥加密( SKE ), 发送器和接收器必须事先共享一个共同的密钥, 并且只能使用钥匙一次。 此外, 发送器必须生成一个量子状态, 并通过量子频道将其发送给接收器。 虽然删除证书是可私下核查的, 这意味着证书的核查钥匙必须保密。 在Broadblebent and Islamic E定义中, 我们也可以考虑公开核查的钥匙加密密钥加密( 可重复使用), 公用钥匙加密( PKE) 和基于属性的加密( ABE) 。 我们经过认证的删除的 PKE 计划是假设存在 IND- CPA 的私下加密计划, 和 后期的加密计划是一次认证的。