The prosperity of decentralized finance motivates many investors to profit via trading their crypto assets on decentralized applications (DApps for short) of the Ethereum ecosystem. Apart from Ether (the native cryptocurrency of Ethereum), many ERC20 (a widely used token standard on Ethereum) tokens obtain vast market value in the ecosystem. Specifically, the approval mechanism is used to delegate the privilege of spending users' tokens to DApps. By doing so, the DApps can transfer these tokens to arbitrary receivers on behalf of the users. To increase the usability, unlimited approval is commonly adopted by DApps to reduce the required interaction between them and their users. However, as shown in existing security incidents, this mechanism can be abused to steal users' tokens. In this paper, we present the first systematic study to quantify the risk of unlimited approval of ERC20 tokens on Ethereum. Specifically, by evaluating existing transactions up to 31st July 2021, we find that unlimited approval is prevalent (60%, 15.2M/25.4M) in the ecosystem, and 22% of users have a high risk of their approved tokens for stealing. After that, we investigate the security issues that are involved in interacting with the UIs of 22 representative DApps and 9 famous wallets to prepare the approval transactions. The result reveals the worrisome fact that all DApps request unlimited approval from the front-end users and only 10% (3/31) of UIs provide explanatory information for the approval mechanism. Meanwhile, only 16% (5/31) of UIs allow users to modify their approval amounts. Finally, we take a further step to characterize the user behavior into five modes and formalize the good practice, i.e., on-demand approval and timely spending, towards securely spending approved tokens. However, the evaluation result suggests that only 0.2% of users follow the good practice to mitigate the risk.
翻译:分散化金融的繁荣激励了许多投资者通过在 Eceenum 生态系统的分散化应用( 短时间的Dapps ) 上用其加密资产进行交易来获取利润。 除了Ether( Ether( Eceyum 的本地加密货币) ) 以外, 许多ER20 (Eceyum 上广泛使用的象征性标准) 象征在生态系统中获得了巨大的市场价值。 具体来说, 批准机制被用来将支出用户的标牌的特权下放给 Dapps。 通过这样做, Daps可以代表用户将这些标牌转让给任意接收者。 为了提高可用性, Dapps 通常会通过无限批准来减少他们和用户之间的必要互动。 然而,正如在现有的安全事件中显示的那样,这个机制可以被滥用来窃取用户的标牌。 我们第一次系统研究, 将ERC20 的标牌无限期批准的风险下放到 Depeeps。 具体地, 通过评估到2021年7月31日的当前交易, 我们发现, 不受限制的认可( 60%, 15.M/ 254M) 。 在生态系统中, 和22%的用户的审批中, 将一个高度的认可行为变为一个高度的认可, 将一个高度的用户的认可, 将一个高度化的验证, 。