The WorldWide Telescope computer program, released to researchers and the public as a free resource in 2008 by Microsoft Research, has changed the way the ever-growing Universe of online astronomical data is viewed and understood. The WWT program can be thought of as a scriptable, interactive, richly visual browser of the multi-wavelength Sky as we see it from Earth, and of the Universe as we would travel within it. In its web API format, WWT is being used as a service to display professional research data. In its desktop format, WWT works in concert (thanks to SAMP and other IVOA standards) with more traditional research applications such as ds9, Aladin and TOPCAT. The WWT Ambassadors Program (founded in 2009) recruits and trains astrophysically-literate volunteers (including retirees) who use WWT as a teaching tool in online, classroom, and informal educational settings. Early quantitative studies of WWTA indicate that student experiences with WWT enhance science learning dramatically. Thanks to the wealth of data it can access, and the growing number of services to which it connects, WWT is now a key linking technology in the Seamless Astronomy environment we seek to offer researchers, teachers, and students alike.
翻译:微软研究公司2008年作为免费资源向研究人员和公众发布的WorldWide望远镜计算机程序改变了对不断增长的在线天文数据宇宙的观察和理解方式。WWWT程序可被视为我们从地球和宇宙中看到多波长天空的可脚本、互动和丰富的视觉浏览器。WWWT在其网络API格式中,正在将WWWT用作显示专业研究数据的一种服务。WWWT在其桌面格式中,以更加传统的研究应用,如ds9、Aladin和TOPCAT,协同工作(感谢SAMP和其他IVOA标准)。WWT大使方案(2009年设立)招募并培训了天体-物理识字志愿者(包括退休人员),他们利用WWWT作为在线、课堂和非正式教育环境中的教学工具。WWTTA早期量化研究表明,学生与WWTT的学习极大地促进了科学学习。由于它能够获取大量的数据,而且它所连接到的服务数量不断增加,因此WWWT公司现在成为了将研究人员与Seam Stroom学生联系起来的关键。