Semantic communications is considered as a promising technology for reducing the bandwidth requirements of next-generation communication systems, particularly targeting human-machine interactions. In contrast to the source-agnostic approach of conventional wireless communication systems, semantic communication seeks to ensure that only the relevant information for the underlying task is communicated to the receiver. A prominent approach to semantic communications is to model it as a joint source-channel coding (JSCC) problem. Although JSCC has been a long-standing open problem in communication and coding theory, remarkable performance gains have been shown recently over existing separate source and channel coding systems, particularly in low-latency and low-power scenarios, typically encountered in edge intelligence applications. Recent progress is thanks to the adoption of deep learning techniques for JSCC code design, which are shown to outperform the concatenation of state-of-the-art compression and channel coding schemes, each of which is a result of decades-long research efforts. In this article, we present an adaptive deep learning based JSCC (DeepJSCC) architecture for semantic communications, introduce its design principles, highlight its benefits, and outline future research challenges that lie ahead.