RISC-V is an open and royalty free instruction set architecture which has been developed at the University of California, Berkeley. The processors using RISC-V can be designed and released freely. Because of this, various processor cores and system on chips (SoCs) have been released so far. However, there are a few public RISC-V computer systems that are portable and can boot Linux operating systems. In this paper, we describe a portable and Linux capable RISC-V computer system targeting FPGAs in Verilog HDL. This system can be implemented on an FPGA with fewer hardware resources, and can be implemented on low cost FPGAs or customized by introducing an accelerator. This paper also describes the knowledge obtained through the development of this RISC-V computer system.
翻译:RISC-V是加州大学伯克利分校开发的开放和免费使用费的成套教学结构,使用RISC-V的处理器可以自由设计和释放,因此,到目前为止已经释放了各种芯片处理器核心和系统(SoCs),然而,有一些公共的RISC-V计算机系统是便携式的,可以启动Linux操作系统。本文描述了一个便携式和Linux能力强的RISC-V计算机系统,其对象是Verilog HDL的FPGas。 该系统可以在一个硬件资源较少的FPGA上实施,可以在低成本的FPGAs上实施,或者通过引入加速器进行定制。本文还描述了通过开发该RISC-V计算机系统获得的知识。