Automated machine learning (AutoML) is an important step to make machine learning models being widely applied to solve real world problems. Despite numerous research advancement, machine learning methods are not fully utilized by industries mainly due to their data privacy and security regulations, high cost involved in storing and computing increasing amount of data at central location and most importantly lack of expertise. Hence, we introduce a novel framework, HANF - $\textbf{H}$yperparameter $\textbf{A}$nd $\textbf{N}$eural architecture search in $\textbf{F}$ederated learning as a step towards building an AutoML framework for data distributed across several data owner servers without any need for bringing the data to a central location. HANF jointly optimizes a neural architecture and non-architectural hyperparameters of a learning algorithm using gradient-based neural architecture search and $n$-armed bandit approach respectively in data distributed setting. We show that HANF efficiently finds the optimized neural architecture and also tunes the hyperparameters on data owner servers. Additionally, HANF can be applied in both, federated and non-federated settings. Empirically, we show that HANF converges towards well-suited architectures and non-architectural hyperparameter-sets using image-classification tasks.
翻译:自动机器学习(Automal)是使机器学习模式被广泛应用于解决现实世界问题的重要一步。 尽管有许多研究进步,但各行业并没有充分利用机器学习方法,这主要是因为其数据隐私和安全条例,中央地点储存和计算数量不断增加的数据涉及高成本,最重要的是缺乏专门知识。因此,我们引入了一个新的框架,即HANF - $\ textbf{H}$yparater $\ textbf{A} $\ textbf{N} $N},在$\ textbf{F} 上找到最优化的神经架构,并在数据所有者服务器上调整超标准仪。 此外,HANFUF联合优化了神经架构和非结构,在基于梯度的神经架构搜索和数据分布环境中分别采用了非结构。HANFFF可以向不固定且不固定的图像架构展示我们不固定的系统。