For many random graph models, the analysis of a related birth process suggests local sampling algorithms for the size of, e.g., the giant connected component, the $k$-core, the size and probability of an epidemic outbreak, etc. In this paper, we study the question of when these algorithms are robust against misspecification of the graph model, for the special case of the 2-core. We show that, for locally converging graphs with bounded average degrees, under a weak notion of expansion, a local sampling algorithm provides robust estimates for the size of both the 2-core and its largest component. Our weak notion of expansion generalizes the classical definition of expansion, while holding for many well-studied random graph models. Our method involves a two-step sprinkling argument. In the first step, we use sprinkling to establish the existence of a non-empty $2$-core inside the giant, while in the second, we use this non-empty $2$-core as seed for a second sprinkling argument to establish that the giant contains a linear sized $2$-core. The second step is based on a novel coloring scheme for the vertices in the tree-part. Our algorithmic results follow from the structural properties for the $2$-core established in the course of our sprinkling arguments. The run-time of our local algorithm is constant independent of the graph size, with the value of the constant depending on the desired asymptotic accuracy $\epsilon$. But given the existential nature of local limits, our arguments do not give any bound on the functional dependence of this constant on $\epsilon$, nor do they give a bound on how large the graph has to be for the asymptotic additive error bound $\epsilon$ to hold.
翻译:对于许多随机图模型,相关的出生过程分析建议一些与局部抽样算法相似的算法用于估计,例如巨型连通分量的大小,k-核的大小和概率,流行病爆发等等。本文研究这些算法在图模型错误规格化情况下的稳健性,重点考虑2-核。我们证明,在平均度数有上界的局部逼近图且满足我们提出的、适用于多种研究尚广泛的随机图模型的很弱扩展概念时,这些局部算法可以提供2-核和其最大连通分量的稳健估计。我们的扩展概念泛化了经典的扩展定义。使用二阶段洒水算法实现:第一步,用洒水方法建立巨型图中存在非空2-核的结论;第二步,利用这个非空2-核作为第二阶段洒水算法的种子,建立巨型图中存在线性大小的2-核的结论。第二步基于树的部分的新颖上色方式。我们通过洒水算法的过程建立的2-核的结构属性将指导算法的实现。我们的局部算法运行时间与图大小无关,常数取决于所需的渐进精度 $\epsilon$。但由于局部极限是存在性的,我们的理论不能对常数与误差 $\epsilon$ 的函数关系提供有价值的限制,也不能对图必须有多大才能获得渐进加性误差界 $\epsilon$ 进行限制。