Transfer learning has become a standard practice to mitigate the lack of labeled data in medical classification tasks. Whereas finetuning a downstream task using supervised ImageNet pretrained features is straightforward and extensively investigated in many works, there is little study on the usefulness of self-supervised pretraining. In this paper, we assess the transferability of ImageNet self-supervisedpretraining by evaluating the performance of models initialized with pretrained features from three self-supervised techniques (SimCLR, SwAV, and DINO) on selected medical classification tasks. The chosen tasks cover tumor detection in sentinel axillary lymph node images, diabetic retinopathy classification in fundus images, and multiple pathological condition classification in chest X-ray images. We demonstrate that self-supervised pretrained models yield richer embeddings than their supervised counterpart, which benefits downstream tasks in view of both linear evaluation and finetuning. For example, in view of linear evaluation at acritically small subset of the data, we see an improvement up to 14.79% in Kappa score in the diabetic retinopathy classification task, 5.4% in AUC in the tumor classification task, 7.03% AUC in the pneumonia detection, and 9.4% in AUC in the detection of pathological conditions in chest X-ray. In addition, we introduce Dynamic Visual Meta-Embedding (DVME) as an end-to-end transfer learning approach that fuses pretrained embeddings from multiple models. We show that the collective representation obtained by DVME leads to a significant improvement in the performance of selected tasks compared to using a single pretrained model approach and can be generalized to any combination of pretrained models.
翻译:转移学习已经成为减少医疗分类任务中缺少标签数据的标准做法。 使用受监督的图像网络预先培训的特征对下游任务进行微调是直截了当的,许多工作对此进行了广泛调查,但对于自我监督的预培训的有用性研究很少。 在本文中,我们通过评价由三种自我监督的医疗分类任务(SimCLR、Swavav和DINO)的预先培训特点而启动的模型的性能来评估自我监督的预培训前训练。 所选择的任务包括使用受监督的图像网络预培训特征对下游任务进行微调。 所选择的任务包括:在监控的系统性轴轴性淋巴性淋巴图像中进行肿瘤检测,对基金图像进行糖尿病性再调节,对胸前训练进行多重病理病理学分类。 自我监督前模型的自我监督前训练模式比受监督的对应模式(SimCLRVL、SVVV和DINO)的性能评估,我们发现通过最终的性能提升到14.79%。 在A- Demodi- remodal AS AS 任务分类中,我们通过自我评估的自我评估A- remal- mission- mission- mission A. breal- deal- dealation a. 5.- dead- deal- droduction A.