Despite the numerous ways now available to quantify which parts or subsystems of a network are most important, there remains a lack of centrality measures that are related to the complexity of information flows and are derived directly from entropy measures. Here, we introduce a ranking of edges based on how each edge's removal would change a system's von Neumann entropy (VNE), which is a spectral-entropy measure that has been adapted from quantum information theory to quantify the complexity of information dynamics over networks. We show that a direct calculation of such rankings is computationally inefficient (or unfeasible) for large networks: e.g.\ the scaling is $\mathcal{O}(N^3)$ per edge for networks with $N$ nodes. To overcome this limitation, we employ spectral perturbation theory to estimate VNE perturbations and derive an approximate edge-ranking algorithm that is accurate and fast to compute, scaling as $\mathcal{O}(N)$ per edge. Focusing on a form of VNE that is associated with a transport operator $e^{-\beta{ L}}$, where ${ L}$ is a graph Laplacian matrix and $\beta>0$ is a diffusion timescale parameter, we apply this approach to diverse applications including a network encoding polarized voting patterns of the 117th U.S. Senate, a multimodal transportation system including roads and metro lines in London, and a multiplex brain network encoding correlated human brain activity. Our experiments highlight situations where the edges that are considered to be most important for information diffusion complexity can dramatically change as one considers short, intermediate and long timescales $\beta$ for diffusion.
翻译:尽管现在有许多方法可以用来量化网络的哪个部分或子系统最为重要,但对于大型网络而言,仍然缺乏与信息流动复杂性相关的核心度量,并且直接源于英特罗比度。在这里,我们引入了根据每种边缘的去除将如何改变系统的von Neumann entropy (VNE) (VNE) (VNE) 的边缘等级排序,这是一种从量数信息理论上调整的光谱-偏opy 度度量,以量化网络信息动态的复杂性。我们显示,直接计算此类排名的深度是计算效率低(或不可行)的大型网络:例如, 比例的尺度是 $\ mathal{O}(N3) 。对于有价的网络,每边端值是 $\ mathal cal {O} 。为了克服这一限制,我们采用了光谱的透度偏移理论来估计VNEeurburbations 和近级算算算算法, 以美元=odeal creal crealal developmental demotionalal $xal $xalal a lax, lax a lax a lax lax lax laxal lax $_x a lax lax lax lax lax lax a lax a lax a laxal lax lax lax lax lax laxal laxal laxalbildalbildalbildal robildalbildalbal roilalbildalbal robil robal robal robal robal robal robal robal robal robalalal robalalalalalal robalbal robalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalal a robalal a a robal robalbal robalbalbalbalbalalalalalalalalalal robal robalbalal