Recommendation systems have become very popular in recent years and are used in various web applications. Modern recommendation systems aim at providing users with personalized recommendations of online products or services. Various recommendation techniques, such as content-based, collaborative filtering-based, knowledge-based, and hybrid-based recommendation systems, have been developed to fulfill the needs in different scenarios. This paper presents a comprehensive review of historical and recent state-of-the-art recommendation approaches, followed by an in-depth analysis of groundbreaking advances in modern recommendation systems based on big data. Furthermore, this paper reviews the issues faced in modern recommendation systems such as sparsity, scalability, and diversity and illustrates how these challenges can be transformed into prolific future research avenues.
翻译:现代建议系统旨在向用户提供在线产品或服务的个性化建议; 开发了各种建议技术,例如基于内容、协作过滤、知识、基于混合的建议系统,以满足不同情景中的需求; 本文件全面审查了历史和最近最先进的建议方法,随后深入分析了基于大数据的现代建议系统的突破性进展; 此外,本文件回顾了现代建议系统所面临的问题,例如宽度、可扩缩性和多样性,并说明了如何将这些挑战转化为巨大的未来研究途径。