Skeleton-based two-person interaction recognition has been gaining increasing attention as advancements are made in pose estimation and graph convolutional networks. Although the accuracy has been gradually improving, the increasing computational complexity makes it more impractical for a real-world environment. There is still room for accuracy improvement as the conventional methods do not fully represent the relationship between inter-body joints. In this paper, we propose a lightweight model for accurately recognizing two-person interactions. In addition to the architecture, which incorporates middle fusion, we introduce a factorized convolution technique to reduce the weight parameters of the model. We also introduce a network stream that accounts for relative distance changes between inter-body joints to improve accuracy. Experiments using two large-scale datasets, NTU RGB+D 60 and 120, show that our method simultaneously achieved the highest accuracy and relatively low computational complexity compared with the conventional methods.
翻译:以克隆人为基础的双人互动认识日益受到越来越多的关注,因为在提出估计和图形变幻网络方面有所进步。虽然准确性在逐渐提高,但计算的复杂性越来越复杂,使得现实世界环境更加不切实际。由于常规方法不完全代表机体间联合之间的关系,因此仍然有改进准确性的余地。在本文件中,我们提出了一个精确确认双人互动的轻量模型。除了包含中间聚合的架构外,我们还引入了一种因子化演动技术来减少模型的重量参数。我们还引入了一种计算机能间联合之间相对距离变化的网络流,以提高准确性。使用NTU RGB+D 60和120两个大型数据集进行的实验表明,我们的方法与常规方法同时实现了最高准确性和相对较低的计算复杂性。