Industry 4.0 offers opportunities to combine multiple sensor data sources using IoT technologies for better utilization of raw material in production lines. A common belief that data is readily available (the big data phenomenon), is oftentimes challenged by the need to effectively acquire quality data under severe constraints. In this paper we propose a design methodology, using active learning to enhance learning capabilities, for building a model of production outcome using a constrained amount of raw material training data. The proposed methodology extends existing active learning methods to effectively solve regression-based learning problems and may serve settings where data acquisition requires excessive resources in the physical world. We further suggest a set of qualitative measures to analyze learners performance. The proposed methodology is demonstrated using an actual application in the milk industry, where milk is gathered from multiple small milk farms and brought to a dairy production plant to be processed into cottage cheese.
翻译:4.0 工业4.0 提供了将多种传感器数据来源结合起来的机会,利用IoT技术来更好地利用生产线上的原材料。一个共同的信念是,数据是现成的(大数据现象),常常由于在严重制约下需要有效获取高质量数据而遇到挑战。在本文件中,我们提出一个设计方法,利用积极学习来提高学习能力,利用有限的原材料培训数据来建立生产结果模型。拟议方法扩大了现有的积极学习方法,以有效解决基于回归的学习问题,并可能为数据获取需要物质世界过多资源的环境提供服务。我们进一步提出一套定性措施,以分析学习者的业绩。拟议方法在牛奶工业中实际应用,从多个小型牛奶农场收集牛奶,并带到一个奶制品生产厂加工成家庭奶酪。