It's long been accepted that continuous integration (CI) in software engineering increases the code quality of enterprise projects when adhered to by it's practitioners. But is any of that effort to increase code quality and velocity directed towards improving software accessibility accommodations? What are the potential benefits quoted in literature? Does it fit with the modern agile way that teams operate in most enterprises? This paper attempts to map the current scene of the software engineering effort spent on improving accessibility via continuous integration and it's hurdles to adoption as quoted by researchers. We also try to explore steps that agile teams may take to train members on how to implement accessibility testing and introduce key diagrams to visualize processes to implement CI based accessibility testing procedures in the software development lifecycle.
翻译:人们早已认识到,软件工程的持续整合(CI)在其从业人员遵守的情况下提高了企业项目的代码质量。 但是,任何旨在提高代码质量和速度的努力是否都是为了改进软件无障碍便利? 文献中引用的潜在好处是什么? 它是否适合团队在大多数企业中运作的现代灵活方式? 本文试图绘制软件工程努力目前用于通过持续整合改善无障碍环境的场景,以及研究人员引用的阻碍其采用的障碍。 我们还试图探索灵活团队可以采取哪些步骤来培训成员如何进行无障碍测试,并引入关键图表,以直观地显示在软件开发生命周期中实施基于计算机的无障碍测试程序的过程。