In this article, we introduce a notion of depth functions for data types that are not given in statistical standard data formats. Data depth functions have been intensively studied for normed vector spaces. However, a discussion on depth functions on data where one specific data structure cannot be presupposed is lacking. We call such data non-standard data. To define depth functions for non-standard data, we represent the data via formal concept analysis which leads to a unified data representation. Besides introducing these depth functions, we give a systematic basis of depth functions for non-standard using formal concept analysis by introducing structural properties. Furthermore, we embed the generalised Tukey depth into our concept of data depth and analyse it using the introduced structural properties. Thus, this article provides the mathematical formalisation of centrality and outlyingness for non-standard data. Thereby, we increase the number of spaces in which centrality can be discussed. In particular, it gives a basis to define further depth functions and statistical inference methods for non-standard data.