Machine learning (ML) is shown to predict new alloys and their performances in a high dimensional, multiple-target-property design space that considers chemistry, multi-step processing routes, and characterization methodology variations. A physics-informed featured engineering approach is shown to enable otherwise poorly performing ML models to perform well with the same data. Specifically, previously engineered elemental features based on alloy chemistries are combined with newly engineered heat treatment process features. The new features result from first transforming the heat treatment parameter data as it was previously recorded using nonlinear mathematical relationships known to describe the thermodynamics and kinetics of phase transformations in alloys. The ability of the ML model to be used for predictive design is validated using blind predictions. Composition - process - property relationships for thermal hysteresis of shape memory alloys (SMAs) with complex microstructures created via multiple melting-homogenization-solutionization-precipitation processing stage variations are captured, in addition to the mean transformation temperatures of the SMAs. The quantitative models of hysteresis exhibited by such highly processed alloys demonstrate the ability for ML models to design for physical complexities that have challenged physics-based modeling approaches for decades.
翻译:显示机器学习(ML),以预测新的合金及其在高维、多目标-财产设计空间中的性能,这种空间考虑到化学、多步骤加工路线和特征分析方法的变化。显示物理信息化的工程功能方法,使原本表现不佳的 ML 模型能够用同一数据很好地运行。具体地说,以前根据合金化学工艺设计的元素特征与新设计的热处理过程特征相结合。新特征是首次转换热处理参数数据的结果,以前曾用非线性数学关系记录,以描述合金阶段变化的热动力学和动能学变化。ML模型用于预测设计的能力通过盲人预测得到验证。构成-过程-形状内存合合体热歇歇斯底体(SMAs)与通过多个熔化-溶解-浸化处理阶段变化产生的复杂微结构的属性关系,除了SMAs的平均变温外,还捕获了以前记录的热处理参数参数。用于预测性设计的 ML模型的定量模型模型已经通过高加工的物理模型模型展示了这种复杂度设计的能力。