"Interval Arithmetic" (IA) appears to be a useful numerical tool to have at hand in several applications. Alas, the current IA descriptions and proposed standards are always formulated in terms of the IEEE-754 standard, and the status of IEEE-754 compliance of most Common Lisp implementations is not up to par. A solution would be for Common Lisp implementations to adhere to the Language Independent Arithmetic} (LIA) IEC standard, which includes IEEE/754. While the LIA standard provides a set of proposed bindings for Common Lisp, the format and depth of the specification documents is not readily usable by a Common Lisp programmer, should an implementation decide to comply with the provisions. Moreover, much latitude is left to each implementation to provide the LIA "environmental" setup. It would be most beneficial if more precision were agreed upon by the Common Lisp community about how to provide LIA compliance in the implementations. In that case, a new set of documentation or manuals in the style of the HyperSpec could be provided, for the benefit of the Common Lisp programmer.
翻译:“内部自学”(IA)似乎是一个有用的数字工具,可用于若干应用。 可惜,目前IA的描述和拟议标准总是按照IEEE-754标准拟订的,而大多数常见利斯普执行的IEE-754的遵守情况则不至于等同。 解决办法是共同利斯普实施符合语言独立自学(LIA) IEC标准,其中包括IEEE/754。 虽然LIA标准为共同利斯普提供了一套拟议的约束,但如果共同利斯普特程序程序员决定遵守这些规定,则规格文件的格式和深度不便于使用。此外,每项执行都留有很大的回旋余地来提供LIA“环境”设置,如果共同利斯普社区就如何在执行方面提供LIA遵守问题达成更精确的一致意见,则会最有益。在此情况下,可以提供一套具有超斯佩特风格的新的文件或手册,供共同利斯普方案员使用。