Agent-based computational macroeconomics is a field with a rich academic history, yet one which has struggled to enter mainstream policy design toolboxes, plagued by the challenges associated with representing a complex and dynamic reality. The field of Reinforcement Learning (RL), too, has a rich history, and has recently been at the centre of several exponential developments. Modern RL implementations have been able to achieve unprecedented levels of sophistication, handling previously-unthinkable degrees of complexity. This review surveys the historical barriers of classical agent-based techniques in macroeconomic modelling, and contemplates whether recent developments in RL can overcome any of them.
翻译:以代理为基础的计算宏观经济是一个领域,具有丰富的学术历史,然而,它却在努力进入主流政策设计工具箱方面挣扎不已,受到与代表复杂和动态现实有关的挑战的困扰。 强化学习领域也有丰富的历史,最近成为若干指数发展的中心。 现代RL的实施能够达到前所未有的先进程度,处理以前难以想象的复杂程度。 本审查调查了宏观经济建模中传统以代理为基础的技术的历史障碍,并考虑了最近RL的发展能否克服其中的任何障碍。