Adversarial training has gained great popularity as one of the most effective defenses for deep neural networks against adversarial perturbations on data points. Consequently, research interests have grown in understanding the convergence and robustness of adversarial training. This paper considers the min-max game of adversarial training by alternating stochastic gradient descent. It approximates the training process with a continuous-time stochastic-differential-equation (SDE). In particular, the error bound and convergence analysis is established. This SDE framework allows direct comparison between adversarial training and stochastic gradient descent; and confirms analytically the robustness of adversarial training from a (new) gradient-flow viewpoint. This analysis is then corroborated via numerical studies. To demonstrate the versatility of this SDE framework for algorithm design and parameter tuning, a stochastic control problem is formulated for learning rate adjustment, where the advantage of adaptive learning rate over fixed learning rate in terms of training loss is demonstrated through numerical experiments.