One characteristic that makes humans superior to modern artificially intelligent models is the ability to interpret images beyond what is visually apparent. Consider the following two natural language search queries - (i) "a queue of customers patiently waiting to buy ice cream" and (ii) "a queue of tourists going to see a famous Mughal architecture in India." Interpreting these queries requires one to reason with (i) Commonsense such as interpreting people as customers or tourists, actions as waiting to buy or going to see; and (ii) Fact or world knowledge associated with named visual entities, for example, whether the store in the image sells ice cream or whether the landmark in the image is a Mughal architecture located in India. Such reasoning goes beyond just visual recognition. To enable both commonsense and factual reasoning in the image search, we present a unified framework, namely Knowledge Retrieval-Augmented Multimodal Transformer (KRAMT), that treats the named visual entities in an image as a gateway to encyclopedic knowledge and leverages them along with natural language query to ground relevant knowledge. Further, KRAMT seamlessly integrates visual content and grounded knowledge to learn alignment between images and search queries. This unified framework is then used to perform image search requiring commonsense and factual reasoning. The retrieval performance of KRAMT is evaluated and compared with related approaches on a new dataset we introduce - namely COFAR. We make our code and dataset available at
翻译:使人类比现代人工智能模型优越的一个特征是能够解释超越视觉外观的图像。 考虑以下两种自然语言搜索询问 — — (一) “ 耐心等待购买冰淇淋的顾客排队” 和 (二) “ 将印度著名的莫卧儿建筑看成的游客排队” 。 解释这些询问需要与 (一) (一) 常识,例如将人们解释为顾客或游客,采取行动等待购买或观看;以及 (二) 与被命名的视觉实体相关的事实或世界知识,例如,图像中的商店是否出售冰淇淋,还是图像中的里程碑是位于印度的莫卧儿结构。这种推理超出了视觉识别的范围。为了在图像搜索中既能提供共同的思维,又能提供事实推理。 我们用一个统一的框架,即知识Retreival- 推荐多式变形器(KRAMT),将被命名的视觉实体作为获取知识的通道,并把它们与自然语言搜索相关的知识一起加以利用。 然后, KRAM 将视觉内容和数据检索和基础用于学习共同的图像对比。