Micro aerial vehicles are widely being researched and employed due to their relative low operation costs and high flexibility in various applications. We study the under-actuated quadrotor perching problem, designing a trajectory planner and controller which generates feasible trajectories and drives quadrotors to desired state in state space. This paper proposes a trajectory generating and tracking method for quadrotor perching that takes the advantages of reinforcement learning controller and traditional controller. The trained low-level reinforcement learning controller would manipulate quadrotor toward the perching point in simulation environment. Once the simulated quadrotor has successfully perched, the relative trajectory information in simulation will be sent to tracking controller on real quadrotor and start the actual perching task. Generating feasible trajectories via the trained reinforcement learning controller requires less time, and the traditional trajectory tracking controller could easily be modified to control the quadrotor and mathematically analysis its stability and robustness. We show that this approach permits the control structure of trajectories and controllers enabling such aggressive maneuvers perching on vertical surfaces with high precision.