There are numerous examples of the so-called ``square root phenomenon'' in the field of parameterized algorithms: many of the most fundamental graph problems, parameterized by some natural parameter $k$, become significantly simpler when restricted to planar graphs and in particular the best possible running time is exponential in $O(\sqrt{k})$ instead of $O(k)$ (modulo standard complexity assumptions). We consider a classic optimization problem Subset Traveling Salesman, where we are asked to visit all the terminals $T$ by a minimum-weight closed walk. We investigate the parameterized complexity of this problem in planar graphs, where the number $k=|T|$ of terminals is regarded as the parameter. We show that Subset TSP can be solved in time $2^{O(\sqrt{k}\log k)}\cdot n^{O(1)}$ even on edge-weighted directed planar graphs. This improves upon the algorithm of Klein and Marx [SODA 2014] with the same running time that worked only on undirected planar graphs with polynomially large integer weights.
翻译:在参数化算法领域,有许多所谓的“平方根现象”的例子:许多最基本的图表问题,以某些自然参数为参数,以美元为参数,如果局限于平面图,特别是最佳运行时间以$O(sqrt{k})而不是$O(k)$(modulo 标准复杂度假设)指数计算,就会变得更加简单得多。我们考虑的是典型的优化问题Subset 旅行推销员,要求我们通过最小重量的封闭行走访问所有终端$T$。我们调查了平面图中这一问题的参数化复杂性,其中将终端的金额视为参数。我们显示子设置TSP可以及时解决$O(sqrt{k}k) ⁇ cdot n ⁇ o(1)}美元,即使是在边称定向平面平面图上解决。这改善了克莱因和马克斯2014年[SODA]的算法,其运行时间也只对非方向式平面平面平面图使用聚氨基总重。