Standard semantic segmentation models owe their success to curated datasets with a fixed set of semantic categories, without contemplating the possibility of identifying unknown objects from novel categories. Existing methods in outlier detection suffer from a lack of smoothness and objectness in their predictions, due to limitations of the per-pixel classification paradigm. Furthermore, additional training for detecting outliers harms the performance of known classes. In this paper, we explore another paradigm with region-level classification to better segment unknown objects. We show that the object queries in mask classification tend to behave like one \vs all classifiers. Based on this finding, we propose a novel outlier scoring function called RbA by defining the event of being an outlier as being rejected by all known classes. Our extensive experiments show that mask classification improves the performance of the existing outlier detection methods, and the best results are achieved with the proposed RbA. We also propose an objective to optimize RbA using minimal outlier supervision. Further fine-tuning with outliers improves the unknown performance, and unlike previous methods, it does not degrade the inlier performance.
翻译:标准的语义分割模型借助于固定类别的策划数据集,取得成功,但没有考虑从新的类别中识别未知物体的可能性。现有的离群值检测方法由于像素级分类范式的限制,其预测缺乏平滑度和物体性。此外,为检测离群点需要额外的训练,这会损害已知类别的性能。在本文中,我们探讨了另一种区域级分类范式,以更好地分割未知对象。我们表明,蒙版分类中的对象查询 tend to behave like one vs all classifiers。基于这一发现,我们提出了一种新颖的离群值评分函数叫做 RbA,它定义了所有已知类别都拒绝的事件为离群点。我们广泛的实验表明,蒙版分类改善了现有离群值检测方法的性能,而使用提出的 RbA 获得了最佳结果。我们还提出了一个目标,使用最少的离群点监督来优化 RbA。进一步使用离群点进行微调可以改善未知性能,而不像以前的方法那样降低内部性能。