Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (cGAN) generate realistic images by incorporating class information into GAN. While one of the most popular cGANs is an auxiliary classifier GAN with softmax cross-entropy loss (ACGAN), it is widely known that training ACGAN is challenging as the number of classes in the dataset increases. ACGAN also tends to generate easily classifiable samples with a lack of diversity. In this paper, we introduce two cures for ACGAN. First, we identify that gradient exploding in the classifier can cause an undesirable collapse in early training, and projecting input vectors onto a unit hypersphere can resolve the problem. Second, we propose the Data-to-Data Cross-Entropy loss (D2D-CE) to exploit relational information in the class-labeled dataset. On this foundation, we propose the Rebooted Auxiliary Classifier Generative Adversarial Network (ReACGAN). The experimental results show that ReACGAN achieves state-of-the-art generation results on CIFAR10, Tiny-ImageNet, CUB200, and ImageNet datasets. We also verify that ReACGAN benefits from differentiable augmentations and that D2D-CE harmonizes with StyleGAN2 architecture. Model weights and a software package that provides implementations of representative cGANs and all experiments in our paper are available at
翻译:将类信息纳入 GAN, 从而产生符合现实的图像。 虽然最受欢迎的 CGAN 是一个辅助分类器 GAN, 具有软麦交叉植物损失(ACGAN ), 但众所周知, 培训 ACGAN 具有挑战性, 因为数据集中的类数增加。 ACGAN 也往往产生容易分类的样本, 缺乏多样性。 在本文中, 我们为 ACGAN 引入了两种解析方法。 首先, 我们发现, 分类器中的梯度爆炸可能导致早期训练不理想的崩溃, 并将输入矢量矢量投射到一个单位超频中可以解决问题。 其次, 我们提议将数据到Data交叉细胞损失(D2D-C) 用于利用类标签数据集中的关联信息。 在基础上, 我们提议重分类精度精度精度精度精度精度精度对 ADAPAR2, 在 CARC-NEBER 中, 我们的SIM-ARC-S ReADLAD ADLA 数据库中, 提供不同的数据。