Context-Agile software development (ASD) promotes minimal documentation and often prioritizes functional requirements over quality requirements (QRs). The minimal documentation emphasis may be beneficial in reducing time-to-market for software. However, it can also be a concern, especially with QRs, since they are challenging to specify and document and are crucial for software success. Therefore, understanding how practitioners perceive the importance of QR documentation is valuable because it can provide insight into how they approach this task. It also helps in developing models and guidelines that support the documentation of QRs in ASD, which is a research gap. Objective: We aim to understand practitioners' perceptions of QR documentation and factors influencing this task to derive a model that supports optimal QR documentation in ASD. Method: We conducted a multiple case study involving 12 participants from three cases that apply ASD. Please refer to the document to read the full version of the abstract.
翻译:环境敏感软件开发(ASD)促进最低限度的文件,常常将功能要求置于质量要求之上(QRs),但最起码的文件强调可能有助于减少软件的市场到市场的时间,但也可能引起关注,特别是对QRs来说,因为它们在具体和文件方面有挑战性,对软件的成功至关重要,因此,了解从业人员如何看待QR文件的重要性是有价值的,因为它能提供如何对待这项任务的洞察力,还有助于制定模型和准则,支持ASD的量化报告的文件,这是一个研究空白。 目标:我们的目标是了解实践者对QR文件的看法和影响这项工作的因素,以产生一种支持ASD中最佳的量化报告文件的模式。方法:我们进行了一项多重案例研究,涉及来自应用ASD的三个案例的12名参与者。请参见该文件全文,以便阅读摘要。