Neural Networks are known to be sensitive to initialisation. The explanation methods that rely on neural networks are not robust since they can have variations in their explanations when the model is initialized and trained with different random seeds. The sensitivity to model initialisation is not desirable in many safety critical applications such as disease diagnosis in healthcare, in which the explainability might have a significant impact in helping decision making. In this work, we introduce a novel method based on parameter averaging for robust explainability in tabular data setting, referred as XTab. We first initialize and train multiple instances of a shallow network (referred as local masks) with different random seeds for a downstream task. We then obtain a global mask model by "averaging the parameters" of local masks and show that the global model uses the majority rule to rank features based on their relative importance across all local models. We conduct extensive experiments on a variety of real and synthetic datasets, demonstrating that the proposed method can be used for feature selection as well as to obtain the global feature importance that are not sensitive to sub-optimal model initialisation.
翻译:已知神经网络对初始化十分敏感。 依赖神经网络的解释方法并不健全, 因为当模型初始化时, 当模型使用不同的随机种子进行训练时, 其解释会有所不同。 模型初始化的敏感度在许多安全关键应用中并不可取, 例如医疗中疾病诊断, 其中可解释性可能会对帮助决策产生重大影响。 在这项工作中, 我们引入了一种新颖的方法, 其依据的参数是表格数据设置( 称为 XTab ) 中可靠解释的平均参数。 我们首先初始化并培训多个浅层网络( 被称为本地面罩 ) 的多例例子, 以不同的随机种子进行下游任务 。 我们随后通过“ 保存本地面罩的参数” 获得一个全球掩码模型, 并显示全球模型使用多数规则来根据所有本地模型的相对重要性来排列特征。 我们对各种真实和合成数据集进行了广泛的实验, 表明拟议方法可用于特征选择, 并获得对亚最佳模型初始化不敏感的全球特征重要性。