Approximate message passing (AMP) type algorithms have been widely used in the signal reconstruction of certain large random linear systems. A key feature of the AMP-type algorithms is that their dynamics can be correctly described by state evolution. However, the state evolution does not necessarily be convergent. To solve the convergence problem of the state evolution of AMP-type algorithms in principle, this paper proposes a memory AMP (MAMP) under a sufficient statistic condition, named sufficient statistic MAMP (SS-MAMP). We show that the covariance matrices of SS-MAMP are L-banded and convergent. Given an arbitrary MAMP, we can construct an SS-MAMP by damping, which not only ensures the convergence of the state evolution, but also preserves the orthogonality, i.e., its dynamics can be correctly described by state evolution. As a byproduct, we prove that the Bayes-optimal orthogonal/vector AMP (BO-OAMP/VAMP) is an SS-MAMP. As a result, we reveal two interesting properties of BO-OAMP/VAMP for large systems: 1) the covariance matrices are L-banded and are convergent, and 2) damping and memory are not needed (i.e., do not bring performance improvement). As an example, we construct a sufficient statistic Bayes-optimal MAMP (SS-BO-MAMP) whose state evolution converges to the minimum (i.e., Bayes-optimal) mean square error (MSE) predicted by replica methods. In addition, the MSE of SS-BO-MAMP is not worse than the original BO-MAMP. Finally, simulations are provided to verify the theoretical results.
翻译:近似信息传递( AMP) 类型算法已被广泛用于某些大型随机线性系统的信号重建中。 AMP 类型算法的一个关键特征是其动态可以通过国家演变得到正确的描述。 然而, 国家演变并不一定是趋同的。 为解决AMP 类型算法国家演变的趋同问题,本文件提议在充分统计条件下使用记忆AMP (MAMP) 。 我们显示SS- MAMP (SS- MAMP) 的常态矩阵是L 和 SS- MAMP 的。 由于一个任意的 MAMP 类型算法, 我们可以通过拖动来构建一个SS- IMP 。 这不仅能确保国家演变的趋同性,而且能也能够保护其正异性, 也就是说, 其动态可以通过国家演变得到正确的描述。 作为副产品, 我们证明Bayes- OMP/ VAMP (BO- OMP) 是SS- 和 VAMP (WAMP) 一个SS- 的常态变异性矩阵 。 结果, 我们揭示了BA- OA- OMP/ stilling IMA IMA- 最起码的变现 和MID- 需要的货币变现- 和MIS- 。