Serverless execution and most notably the Function as a Service (FaaS) model got quite some attention during the recent years. As of today, all commercial and open source implementations follow the common practice of keeping the execution environments running to achieve low function execution latency. In this paper we compare the startup latency of different available virtualization technologies, then we implement and benchmark an FaaS prototype system using IncludeOS unikernels for function execution. We show that our system can start and execute functions with essentially the same latency as AWS Lambda with its continuously running executor units. Due to the low overhead, this approach opens the possibility for simplified FaaS platforms without the resource waste and extensive monitoring requirements of existing solutions.
翻译:无服务器执行,特别是功能性服务模式(FaaS)近年来引起了相当的关注。截至今天,所有商业和开放源码执行都遵循了保持执行环境以达到低功能执行延迟的常见做法。在本文中,我们比较了不同现有虚拟化技术的启动时间,然后我们用 InceloOS unikernels 执行功能实施FaaS原型系统,并设定了基准。我们显示,我们的系统可以启动和执行基本上与AWS Lambda及其持续运行的执行单位相同的延迟功能。由于间接费用低,这一方法为简化FaaS平台提供了可能性,而没有资源浪费和现有解决方案的广泛监测要求。