项目名称: 溶液相自组织沉积有机小分子晶体实现高性能场效应管研究
项目编号: No.61306021
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 李昀
作者单位: 南京大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 随着有机电子学及其电子器件研究的不断发展,为进一步提高器件性能、降低制备成本,基于溶液相有机小分子晶体的场效应管因其显著的优势而受到广泛关注。微溶液自组织沉积工艺可使有机半导体晶体在衬底上的位置和晶向有序可控,大幅提升迁移率,有望在器件制备得到实际应用和推广。本项目将采用半导体性有机小分子与绝缘性聚合物混合溶液体系,利用溶剂气相退火方法,以微溶液流动控制为切入点,系统研究微溶液中有机小分子的晶体生长过程、机制;通过对衬底表面构建亲疏水微区域的预处理,利用马拉高尼效应、液桥力在微溶液中的作用,实现有机晶体沉积位置与取向的高度有序可控的自组织沉积;研究微溶液流动控制在晶体内分子排列、电荷传输上的作用,揭示有机小分子在溶液相晶体生长过程中微溶液流动控制对其物理性质(分子排列、晶体生长动力学机制)及输运现象(电荷传输)的影响,获得迁移率达到10cm2/Vs的高性能场效应管及阵列。
中文关键词: 有机小分子晶体;溶液相制备;有机场效应晶体管;器件性能;铁电场效应晶体管存储器
英文摘要: Organic fiel-effect transistors based on solution-processed small-molecule crystals have been the subject of intensive interest because of their possessions of great advantages and potentials. They allow for high-performance and low-cost devices that are beneficial for the future development of organic electronics. Moreover, self-organizing depostion technique in microsolutions that can lead to the organic semiconducting crystals exhibiting high field-effect mobility and controllable crystal orientation in designated substrate regions is highly attractive, because it acts as a great importance for the applications in commercial electronics. In this project, we will apply the solvent-vapor annealing process to the blends of organic semiconducting small molecules and insulating polymers in microsolutions. We will systematically investigate the mechanism of organic small-molecule crystal growth in microsolutions. We will develop a highly advanced technology for solution-processed, self-organized organic crystals arrays deposited with controlled orientation in well-defined geometric position by using pre-treatments of substrates, capillary effects (such as Marangoni effect and liquid bridge force) in microsolution. Furthermore, we will reveal the influences of microsolution effects on the properties of organic crsyt
英文关键词: organic small-molecule crystals;solution-processed;organic field-effect transistors;device performance;ferroelectric OFET memory