Due to the recent challenges in post-quantum cryptography, several new approaches for code-based cryptography have been proposed. For example, a variant of the McEliece cryptosystem based on interleaved codes was proposed. In order to deem such new settings secure, we first need to understand and analyze the complexity of the underlying problem, in this case the problem of decoding a random interleaved code. A simple approach to decode such codes, would be to randomly choose a vector in the row span of the received matrix and run a classical information set decoding algorithm on this erroneous codeword. In this paper, we propose a new generic decoder for interleaved codes, which is an adaption of the classical idea of information set decoding by Prange and perfectly fits the interleaved setting. We then analyze the cost of the new algorithm and a comparison to the simple approach described above shows the superiority of Interleaved Prange.
翻译:由于分子后加密法的最近挑战,提出了几种基于代码加密法的新方法。例如,提出了基于内部代码的 McEliece加密系统的变体。为了将这种新设置视为安全,我们首先需要理解和分析根本问题的复杂性,在此情况下,解码随机互换代码的问题。一种简单的解码方法,是在接收的矩阵的行内随机选择一个矢量,并运行关于这一错误编码的经典信息集解码算法。在本文中,我们提议了一个新的脱轨代码通用解码器,这是对由Prange解码的经典信息集概念的调整,并完全符合内部设置。然后我们分析了新算法的成本和与上述简单方法的比较,显示了跨链的优越性。