We show that goal-directed action planning and generation in a teleological framework can be formulated using the free energy principle. The proposed model, which is built on a variational recurrent neural network model, is characterized by three essential features. These are that (1) goals can be specified for both static sensory states, e.g., for goal images to be reached and dynamic processes, e.g., for moving around an object, (2) the model can not only generate goal-directed action plans, but can also understand goals by sensory observation, and (3) the model generates future action plans for given goals based on the best estimate of the current state, inferred using past sensory observations. The proposed model is evaluated by conducting experiments on a simulated mobile agent as well as on a real humanoid robot performing object manipulation.
翻译:我们表明,在目的学框架内,可以使用自由能源原则制定定向行动规划和生成;基于变异经常神经网络模型的拟议模型具有三个基本特征:(1) 可用于两个静态感官状态的目标,例如,用于达到目标图像和动态过程,例如,在物体周围移动;(2) 该模型不仅可以产生定向行动计划,还可以通过感官观测了解目标;(3) 该模型根据对当前状态的最佳估计,用过去的感官观测推断,为特定目标制定未来行动计划;通过对模拟移动剂以及实际人体机器人操作物体进行实验,对拟议模型进行评估。