We give generators and relations for the hypergraph props of Gaussian relations and positive affine Lagrangian relations. The former extends Gaussian probabilistic processes by completely-uninformative priors, and the latter extends Gaussian quantum mechanics with infinitely-squeezed states. These presentations are given by adding a generator to the presentation of real affine relations and of real affine Lagrangian relations which freely codiscards effects, as well as certain rotations. The presentation of positive affine Lagrangian relations provides a rigorous justification for many common yet informal calculations in the quantum physics literature involving infinite-squeezing. Our presentation naturally extends Menicucci et al.'s graph-theoretic representation of Gaussian quantum states with a representation for Gaussian transformations. We interpret the LOv-calculus, a diagrammatic calculus for reasoning about passive linear-optical quantum circuits in our presentation of positive affine Lagrangian relations. Moreover, we show how our presentation allows for additional optical operations such as active squeezing.